Hello, World!
I am Oscar Reyes

Welcome to my portfolio!
Following my passion for technology, I challenged myself to redirect my professional career oriented to web the development.

Contact Me


meTube - API Web App

I developed an app which with gets data from the YouTube API, following good practices and file structure.

  • React , MUI, RapidAPI

OMIT - Website

This is an IT agency corporative page. I wanted to focus mostly in the components reusability and design.

  • React.js , CSS BEM

NSF - Website

I developed a corporative website for a friend mostly with React and Framer motion. I also wanted to try some extra components to add more animation.

  • React.js , Framer motion


We developed from scratch a movie web app called fakeFlix. On the FE, I developed product, design, and engineering of Sign-up/in page/ Home carousel components.

  • React.js, MUI, Framer Motion, Node.js, Express.js, mongoose


So far, I have worked with a range of technologies, such as:

  • Front-End

    JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, TypeScript

  • Back-End

    Node.js, JSON Web Tokens, REST APIs and MongoDB

  • UI/UX

    Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

  • Agile

    Scrum framework

About Me

During my life and professional career, I have acquired experience working under pressure, handling tight deadlines, and achieving positive results.

Personal Goals

For the next year 2023, I have selected the following goals to improve my personal development:


Improve communication and mentorship skills+


Continue building my technical knowledge+


Improve programming skills+


Understand new sections of existing code+

β€œThe best time to start coding was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”